Easter is coming soon!
Of course, the Carinthian Reindling should not be missing with a traditional Easter snack, we all agree on that. And then comes the big BUT! Because for many people, enjoying a reindling is not possible at all due to their intolerance. Even people who, for example because of their physical condition, have decided on a diet according to Anthony William cannot simply bite into a Reindling with relish. So they have to practice renunciation and maybe even get the feeling of not belonging at the table. Not a nice thought.
Perhaps the KUSTURA wholemeal oat bread baking mix can help and offer them a good alternative. The KUSTURA baking mix is quickly refined with ingredients that are simply part of Easter, such as cinnamon, sugar and raisins, and can be easily baked in a Reindling pan.
For this you need the following ingredients:
1 pack of wholemeal oat bread baking mix from KUSTURA
1 pack baking powder
150 g coconut blossom sugar (or to taste)
70 g raisins (or to taste)
6 g Ceylon cinnamon (or to taste)
150 ml unsweetened applesauce
350ml of water
Put the baking mix in a bowl and mix it with all the other dry ingredients (baking powder, coconut blossom sugar, raisins, cinnamon) and mix well. Mix the water with the unsweetened applesauce and add it to the bowl with the dry ingredients.
Using a hand mixer with a dough hook, mix the dough for about 2-3 minutes until it is homogeneous. For this recipe, I use a traditional Reindling pan or Guglhupf pan.
I grease the baking pan with coconut oil, as it is ideal for high temperatures. Pour the batter into the greased baking pan and heat the oven to 180°C.
I bake the reindling on the middle shelf for about 1 hour and 10 minutes (top and bottom heat). After baking, wait 5-10 minutes and take the reindling out of the mold and wrap it in a clean tea towel to cool.
I wish you good appetite and happy Easter!
Elizabeta KUSTURA